Water and Wastewater
Some areas in Parkland County are on municipal water and sewer systems, while other areas are serviced by well or cistern and private septic systems.
The cost for electricity usually includes a connection fee and monthly charge for energy consumed. If you wish to develop a property, determine the proximity of electrical power as it can be expensive to extend power lines to some areas. Make sure that easements are in place to extend power lines to your property. It may be necessary to cross property owned by others.
For more information on electricity services, visit the Alberta Utilities Commission website.
Natural Gas
For new developments, you should contact the gas company as early as possible to ensure the service is available when you need it. Before installing a gas line, obtain the necessary permit from Planning and Development Services. An inspection is also required before the line is covered and there are restrictions on location, depth and ground cover. Contact Planning and Development for more information.
If you have questions on how to obtain service, your existing service, or your gas bill, please contact your provider directly.
For a listing of energy providers in your area, please visit the Utilities Consumer Advocate Retailers and Distributors webpage.
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