Rental Equipment
Rental equipmentFee/chargeRefundable Deposit

Skunk/squirrel traps

$12.00/week + GST


Magpie traps

$12.00/week + GST


Backpack Sprayers (4)

$15.00/day + GST


Boomless Sprayer (2)

$60.00/day + GST 


Cleaning Charges (if required)

$65.00/hour to a maximum of $130.00 + GST 


Repairs to Equipment

Costs of parts and labour at $85.00/hour + GST 

Sale Items
Sale itemFee/charge

No Spray Signs

No Charge

Weed Notices
Weed noticesFee/chargeDeposit

Administration fee

100% of the bill to a maximum of $1,000.00 


Notice of appeal (Weed Notice or Weed Notice Invoice)


Weed Notice Invoice


*Only refundable if the individual wins their weed notice appeal.