Starting January 1, 2025, Parkland County Fire Services may issue invoices to recover costs from certain types of emergency responses. Large complex fires, increased incident volumes, and preventable response calls are increasing the cost to operate our Fire Services.

To off-set these rising costs, and to avoid passing the increased operations costs on to residents through higher tax rates, Council approved a Fire Cost Recovery policy in September 2024.

Under this policy Parkland County Fire Services may issue invoices to recover costs from certain types of Emergency Responses, including:

  • Motor vehicle collision and vehicle fires on Parkland County roads
  • Structure fires
  • Public Assist calls
  • Outdoor fires
  • False alarms

The purpose of the Fire Cost Recovery policy is to recover costs where the impacts are insurable and/or where the events would have been preventable by proper adherence to fire regulations. This is a cost recovery system, meaning the County doesn’t profit from emergency responses.

For more information, please contact

Does this mean that residents and businesses will have to personally pay for Fire Services call-outs?
  • For most scenarios, the answer is no.

  • The cost for most services will be recouped via insurance policies already in place to cover these types of incidents (e.g. structure fires, motor vehicle fires), with payments invoiced to the insurance company rather than to the resident or business directly.

  • All residents and businesses are advised to ensure that they have appropriate insurance coverage in place

  • A notable exception is for cases of deliberate or negligent action:

In cases where the response has been required for negligent or deliberate actions, or where individuals have not taken reasonable safety precautions and cause an emergency, full cost recovery will be sought from the individual responsible.

What about false alarms?
  • Costs will not be recouped for the first annual residential or business false alarm
  • Costs will be recouped, however, for any subsequent false alarm call-outs that year.
What if I don’t agree with what I have been invoiced?
  •  There is an appeals process available to residents and businesses

  • For invoices of $1,000 and under, appeals may be made to the Fire Chief or designate in writing within 30 days of receipt of the invoice:
    • Decisions of the Fire Chief of designate are final for invoices of $1,000 and under.

  • Decisions for invoices over $1,000 may be appealed to Parkland County Council in writing through Legislative Services.
Is there precedent for this kind of Fire Cost Recovery Policy?
  • Yes.  It is common practice for municipal fire services to recover costs in this manner.

  • For example, the following municipalities in our region all have similar fire cost recovery arrangements already in place:
    • Sturgeon County
    • City of Leduc
    • City of St Albert
    • City of Fort Saskatchewan
    • Leduc County
    • City of Spruce Grove
    • Strathcona County


Parkland County Fire Services Fees and Charges


Motor Vehicle Collision Response (Effective January 1, 2025)
Motor Vehicle Collision Response*Fee/charge

Engine, Rescue, Tanker, Squad, Ladder per unit/hour or portion thereof
(Includes equipment costs, labour and materials)


Command Vehicles, per unit/hour or portion thereof

(Includes equipment costs, labour and materials)


Cost Recovery

Contractors, significant or specialized materials and resources

Cost Recovery

*Rates as set out in current Alberta Infrastructure & Transportation Policy #TCE- DC-501

Structure Fire Response (Effective January 1, 2025)

Structure Fire Response*Fee/charge

Engine, Rescue, Tanker, Squad, Ladder per unit/hour or portion thereof
(Includes equipment costs, labour and materials)


Command Vehicles, per unit/hour or portion thereof

(Includes equipment costs, labour and materials)


Cost Recovery

Contractors, significant or specialized materials and resources

Cost Recovery

*Rates as set out in current Alberta Infrastructure & Transportation Policy #TCE- DC-501

Outdoor & Wildfire Response (Effective January 1, 2025)
Outdoor & Wildfire Response*Fee/charge

Engine, Rescue, Tanker, Squad, Ladder per unit/hour or portion thereof
(Includes equipment costs, labour and materials)


Command Vehicles, per unit/hour or portion thereof

(Includes equipment costs, labour and materials)


Cost Recovery

Contractors, significant or specialized materials and resources

Cost Recovery

*Rates as set out in current Alberta Infrastructure & Transportation Policy #TCE- DC-501

Public Assist Response (Effective January 1, 2025)
Public Assist Response*Fee/charge

Engine, Rescue, Tanker, Squad, Ladder per unit/hour or portion thereof
(Includes equipment costs, labour and materials)


Command Vehicles, per unit/hour or portion thereof

(Includes equipment costs, labour and materials)


Cost Recovery

Contractors, significant or specialized materials and resources

Cost Recovery

 *Rates as set out in current Alberta Infrastructure & Transportation Policy #TCE- DC-501

Hazardous Materials Response (Effective January 1, 2025)
Hazardous Materials Response Fee/charge

Third Party Response & Mitigation Fees (including consumables)

Cost Recovery + 10%

Residential False Alarm Recovery 
Nuisance AlarmFee/charge



First Annual False Alarm


Second Annual False Alarm

$100.00 + GST

Third/Ongoing Annual False Alarm

$450.00 +GST

Commercial/Industrial - Compliant Alarm System Recovery


First Annual False Alarm


Second Annual False Alarm

$500.00 + GST

 Third/Ongoing Annual False Alarm

$500.00 + GST


Commercial/Industrial - Non-Compliant Alarm System Recovery

First Annual False Alarm

$500.00 + GST

Second Annual False Alarm

$750.00 + GST

Third/Ongoing Annual False

$1000.00 + GST

Non-Emergent Boat Recovery
 Incident Fee/Charge

Non Emergent Boat Recovery

$250.00 + GST