The County is responsible for the care of over 2,150 kilometers of Range Roads, Township Roads, and some Subdivision Roads including:

If you experience a drainage issue or if your find a road in need of repair, please call our Public Works Road Maintenance Department at 780-968-8888, or send us an email.

Gravel Roads

Gravel road maintenance includes regular blading, gravelling, dust control and shoulder pulling activities throughout the year. 

All contractors seeking work with the County are required to register their trucks and trailers each year. Please see our  Truck Registration Form and Truck Hiring Policy

Subdivision paving

Residents can request road paving in their subdivision. This is done as a Local Improvement based on Road Surfacing -Country Residential Policy C-EN01. Please read the frequently asked questions for more information on the process. 

Provincial Highways

Alberta Transportation is responsible for maintenance, construction, and snow removal on Highways in Parkland County. For questions or concerns about highways, please contact: 

  • Alberta Transportation - Stony Plain District Office: 780-963-5711
  • Alberta Transportation - Edson District Office: 780-723-8250
Rail Crossings

Complaints about train noise, whistles, general property maintenance, or blocked crossings, should be directed to the CN Public Inquiry Line.  CN will record, log and act on the complaint.

Emergencies or operational problems with grade crossing warning systems (lights, bells, gates), suspicious activities, trespassing on tracks, or unlawful activity, should be directed to the CN Police.  An officer will be dispatched when appropriate.

If you have a road related concern at a public grade crossing, such as the condition of the travel surface or reduced visibility sightlines resulting from vegetation, please contact Public Works at or 780-968-8888