Through partnerships with other municipalities, Parkland County offers a variety of Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) programs for seniors. Contact your nearest FCSS office or call 2-1-1 for more information.

Accessible Transportation Services (ATS)
 ATS offers door-to-door transportation for seniors (65+) and persons (16+) with mobility or cognitive disabilities.  Parkland County residents within the ATS service area (please see map) can book ATS for:
  • Medical appointments
  • Shopping trips
  • Accessing entertainment

 Riders will need to complete an application form before booking the ATS.

 More information, including application form, service guide, hours of operation, fares and booking information can be found on the Town of Stony Plain ATS web page.  You may also call the ATS office Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (except on holidays).  The ATS office is located within the Town of Stony Plain Town Office at 4905-51 Ave Stony Plain.


Housing assistance

The Evergreens Foundation provides affordable housing options to seniors, individuals and families. 

Regional Housing Program provides support to eligible residents from across the Tri-Region to address instances of housing instability. 

The Meridian Housing Foundation provides and manages independent supportive and affordable housing in the City of Spruce Grove, Town of Stony Plain and Parkland County.

Senior's conference

A fun conference hosted by Parkland County Libraries just for seniors! 

Save the Date: Monday June 2, 2025.

10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in Tomahawk.

Contact your local Parkland County Library to register.

Seniors Shuttle

Parkland County now offers a Seniors Shuttle which makes it easier to get out to appointments and do some shopping. Learn more here. 

Seniors Property Tax Deferral

This program allows eligible senior homeowners to defer all or part of their property taxes through a low interest home equity loan with the Alberta Government.

If you qualify for the Seniors Property Tax Deferral program, the Alberta Government will pay all or part of your property taxes on your behalf through a low-interest, home equity loan. 

Snow removal subsidy program 
Parkland County has funding support available to residents with disabilities for snow removal from their private driveways. To qualify, you must provide a doctor's note stating that you and members of your household are physically unable to remove snow from your driveway. Between $300 - $500 per winter season is available per household.

For more information and an application form, please visit the snow removal subsidy program page.

Bridging Connections program
The Bridging Connections team consists of Community Social Workers who are dedicated professionals offering compassionate and confidential support to Parkland County residents. Community Social Workers actively listen to individuals, identify solutions, and facilitate connections to pertinent community resources. Their role is to assist residents of all ages and situations in navigating life’s challenges.
Drop-in and appointment-based support is available from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. on Wednesdays, at the Wabamun Community Centre (former Village of Wabamun office). 

Free Short-term counselling sessions, in-person and virtual, the first Wednesday of every month. Available to residents aged 16 + living in Spruce Grove or Parkland County. The counselling session will use solution-focused strategies and will be facilitated by a Registered Social Worker. Scheduled appointments are encouraged however, walk-in sessions can be accommodated based on availability.


Drop-in or call 780-962-7618 to book an appointment (if desired)

SAIF Society is offering two topics in 2024:

1) Fraud, Scams, Family & Friends

Terms such as Phishing, data mining, grandparent scams, romance, phone & computer scams etc. will be explained and how to avoid or report them. 

  • March 12- Entwistle Community Recreation Centre
  • April 2- Wabamun Jubilee Hall


2) Identifying Elder Abuse

Overview of the various forms of abuse, how to identify and what to do if you suspect someone you know is experiencing elder abuse

  • May 23- Tomahawk Agra
  • June 4- Parkland Village Community Hall


1-hour presentations, with Q & A afterward
Free for participants, registration required
Email or call to register. or 780-460-2195 ext. 301 
Tri Region SeniorConnect Training

A free, online training program that teaches residents how to recognize and respond to seniors in need. The program is open to all residents in the Tri-Municipal Region and is an excellent way for us to work together to help seniors in our community find local information, resources, and support.


In honour of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, register to become a SeniorConnector by June 27th for a chance to win a flower basket prize!


Register to become a SeniorConnector