The key lock box program is in place so first responders can access your property/building during an emergency. 

This program was created to meet the National Fire Code (Alberta) requirements of an installation of a Key Lock Box that is approved by the County.

Benefits of a Knox-Box

  • Increased security, including an optional tamper switch that can be connected to the premise's intrusion alarm.
  • Decreased incidences of operational issues, such as keys stored inside jamming the exposed lock mechanisms.
  • Audited trails of when the key lock box was accessed using the E-Key Secure system.
  • Removed reliance on power supply or batteries like other boxes on the market that use electronic keys.
  • Provides Parkland County Fire Services with access to your building during incident response.

Knox Box is the only approved key lock box in Parkland County.

Other municipalities who also approved Knox Box include

City of Edmonton, City of Spruce Grove, City of Leduc, City of Fort Saskatchewan, Strathcona County

Get your Knox Box today!

Do I need a lock box for my business? 

If your business is protected by a fire alarm and/or sprinkler system, or you have elevators in your building, you will need to install a fire department lock box. If you have any questions please email Parkland County Fire Inspections.

Ordering a Knox-Box

Installing the Knox-Box

Lock boxes must be mounted so the top of the box is 1.5 metres (five feet) from the ground and located at the principal entrance to the building. To ensure safety of your keys, lock boxes must be mounted following the manufacturer's instructions.

For multi-facility managers, boxes are recorded by serial number to specified properties. Be sure to mount the right box to the right property.

Once your lock box is installed, please call Fire Services at 780-968-8338 or email to request a Fire Inspector to initialize the electronic lock and place your keys in the lock box. 

Please note: All keys must be labelled to indicate which doors each key will operate.