Parkland County Incident Management Team 

To perform at a high level during a response, the county regularly provides training, and instruction to our internal Incident Management Team (IMT). Using industry best practices, our team is equipped and ready to respond when the time comes.

A Base is the primary location for on-scene incident command and management. Typically, the Base is located at or near the incident site and is the centre for management of on-scene and tactical operations.

To help bring our IMT members closer to scene and provide an effective response, we deploy our Major Event Support Apparatus (MESA), which in partnership with the Alberta Emergency Management Agency, is our mobile command vehicle.


Emergency Social Services

The Parkland County Emergency Social Services (ESS) group is a critical part of our IMT. This team is comprised of county staff who are activated during an emergency, to assist displaced community members with basic needs. 

The ESS team work with the public to ensure essential needs are met during a large-scale event evacuation by establishing reception centers where evacuees attend and register into these facilities.

Once there, our teams work with community members to provide them with incident information, available services, food, lodging, financial and mental health support if required. 

This team partners with non-government organizations and other assisting agencies to ensure the community is cared for in an emergency and assist with re-entry and supports after an evacuation.