The Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (the Plan) is Parkland County's primary vehicle for planning, achieving, and reporting on the success of community sustainability initiatives. 

The Plan sets out the long-term path to a sustainable County. It has:

  • five pillars of sustainability;
  • eighteen aspirational sustainability objectives; and
  • a work plan that integrates with Council's Strategic Plan. 

The Plan provides direction for the County for the next 20 to 30 years as to how it can:

  • promote balanced growth;
  • ensure healthy ecosystems;
  • build complete communities;
  • diversify the economy; and 
  • deliver inclusive governance.

Community Engagement

The community has played a major role in developing the 2017 Plan. Stakeholder engagement has been key in generating our work plan for the next twenty years. Ideas and comments provided by the public have been identified and summarized in the What We Heard document.