For bylaw information not listed below, contact Legislative Services. You can also search for bylaws.

CAO Bylaw

CAO Bylaw No. 2014-30

Consumption of Cannabis in Public Places Bylaw

Consumption of Cannabis in Public Places Bylaw No. 2018-17

Community Standards Bylaw

Community Standards Bylaw 2023-19

Civic addressing Bylaw 2015-30

Council Code of Conduct Bylaw

Council Code of Conduct Bylaw 2018-05

Discharge Firearms Bylaw

Discharge Firearms Bylaw No. 11-2011

Fire Bylaw

Fire Services Bylaw No. 2023-17

Land Use Bylaw and Maps

Land Use Bylaw No. 2017-18 - June 2020 Consolidation


Wabamun Land Use Bylaw

 The Wabamun Land Use Bylaw 07-2010 governs the former Village of Wabamun Area (Land Use Map 2018). 

As part of the ongoing transition to integrate Wabamun into Parkland County, many bylaws need to be repealed to ensure consistency throughout the County. The Wabamun Land Use Bylaw will be scheduled into this integration but remains in effect until Bylaw 07-2010 is repealed. 

The up-to-date version of the Land Use Bylaw and amendments is located at the County's offices and should be consulted in all cases where an officially certified version of the Bylaw is required.

Municipal Development Plan Bylaw

Visit the Municipal Development Plan page for more information or to download the MDP Bylaw 2017-14.

Municipal Emergency Management Agency Bylaw

 Municipal Emergency Management Agency Bylaw No. 2019-21

Municipal Rights-of-Way

 Municipal Rights-of-Way (Regulating Use and Occupation of) Bylaw No. 14-2003

Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Bylaw

Off-Highway Vehicle Bylaw No. 2024-01

Off-Site Levy Bylaw 

Off-Site Levy Bylaw No. 2015-07

Parks Bylaw

Parks Bylaw No. 2023-16

Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw

Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw No. 2024-02 

Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Bylaw

Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Bylaw No. 2018-26

Tax Rate Bylaw

Tax Rate Bylaw 2024-14

Traffic Bylaw

Traffic Bylaw No. 46-2006

Use of County Lands Bylaw

 Use of County Land Bylaw 2023-15

Wastewater Bylaw

Wastewater Bylaw No. 2020-08