
2024 Achievements

  • Parkland is one of the largest counties in Alberta and we’ve got a lot of roads. This year we filled 1,300 potholes and resident calls dropped by 44%.

  • We were also able to start Dust Control measures earlier due to the dry weather. Our crews completed work at 1210 locations and resident calls were reduced by 55%.

  • A new program called Surfaced Road Rehabilitation was trialed this year. The process includes digging out small sections of soft or failing road segments, strengthening subsurface soil conditions and replacing the roadway. This is considered partial reconstruction and is a lower cost alternative to full depth reclamation over the entire road length. Focus in 2024 was on Twp Rd 512 (Holburn Rd), Rge Rd 275 to Rge Rd 280.

  • Completion of Roadway Reconstruction/ Replacement–Mink Lake Road, Hwy 770 to Rge Rd 25


Key Responsibilities

  • Provides direct programs and services for the preservation and maintenance of Parkland County roads
    and drainage infrastructure
  • Gravel and hard surface roadway maintenance
  • Snow/ice control, brush/vegetation management
  • Dust control, traffic control, and road right-of-way management
  • Aggregate resources (exploration, extraction, reclamation)
  • Drainage infrastructure
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