
2024 Achievements

  • To help prevent the spread of oncoming wildfires, we expanded the promotion of our FireSmart program which offers free home assessments for Parkland County residents. The program saw a 127% increase in FireSmart assessments over the previous year.  A FireSmart assessment provides a customized report with actions on how to reduce the risk of damage by an approaching wildfire.

  • Becoming wildfire resilient is a shared responsibility across Parkland County so we’ve increased training for multiple departments. Our fire crews received specialized training in fighting wildland fires while our Parks and Agriculture staff were trained so they could act as a surge crew should the need arise. Members of our Roads team received training in Dozer Boss practices to support an emergency event as well as reclamation principles in the aftermath.  

  • Crews from Parkland County Fire Services were able to assist in battling the wildfires that devastated Jasper earlier this year. Our crews worked tirelessly to protect critical infrastructure and cherished landmarks in the town, including the Jasper Park Lodge.


2023 Achievements

  • Successful Management of RR70 Wildfire
  • Neighbourhood FireSmart Hazard Assessments for all hamlets completed
  • Fire Bylaw updated and passed. 


Key Responsibilities

  • Responds to wide range of incidences including:​
    • Residential and complex industrial fires​, Wildland fires​, Alarms​, Medical incidents, Traffic collisions​, Dangerous goods spills​, Low slope, water and ice rescues​​
  • Fire origin and cause investigation​
  • Fire permitting, Fire Code Inspections
  • Disaster planning and response training, public education
  • Emergency Communications Centre
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