
2024 Achievements

  • Over 28,000 trees, shrubs, and aquatic plants planted
  • Receiving over $200,000 for ALUS projects, and completing 8 Environmental Farm Plans for County producers  
  • The ALUS Parkland team installed two native bee houses at Chickakoo Lake and a honeybee hive at the Acheson Fire Hall to support urban agriculture. The busy bees produced 5L of honey and the native bee houses have some new residents that will emerge in the spring. 
  • Saving 8,000 litres of potable water by using rain barrels for watering. 
  • Completing just under 2,000 weed inspections and 260 clubroot inspections while working with landowners to help manage weeds on their properties. 

2023 Achievements

Key Responsibilities

  • Delivers programs to encourage production, profitability, and sustainability of the agriculture sector
  • Foster the well-being of the environment and agricultural industry in Parkland County through policy and practice that advocates for, enhances, and protects agricultural land and environmental function
  • Use conservation, restoration and good stewardship to ensure natural infrastructure will continue to provide ecosystem services to the community while preventing pollution, reducing the impacts of climate change and beautifying the landscape
  • Support traditional, urban and value-added agriculture by preserving land capability, connecting people to agriculture, and encouraging sustainable practices
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