April 2023 update:
Phase 2 of the Acheson industrial ASP Update Project is currently paused pending the completion of the County's Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Project. The policies contained in the MDP Project will guide and inform our work for Acheson Phase 2. The MDP Project is scheduled for completion in Spring of 2025. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Project Team below.

Acheson Industrial ASP Update Overview

What is it?

Parkland County’s Acheson Industrial Area Structure Plan (ASP) is a long-range planning document, originally adopted in 2014, that guides the future subdivision and development of the Acheson area. 

Why are we doing this?

The Acheson area continues to grow quickly, as development and economic trends change, it is important to review and update the ASP regularly to reflect these changes. Updates will ensure the document reflects the County’s Municipal Development Plan and supports the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Plan.

How are we doing this?

We will be updating the ASP in two phases: 

Phase 1 - Completed

Administrative changes: revising document formatting, updating relevant maps and policies.

Phase 1 was completed in December of 2020.

Phase 2

Updating policy resulting from the MDP Project, re-designating a new land use concept for the southeast area of Acheson (“Agricultural Area B”), plus various policy and mapping revisions that are outstanding from Phase 1.

View the Agricultural Area B Map
Phase 2 Details

The full scope of work for Phase 2 shall be determined once the MDP Project is complete. It may include a new land use concept for Special Study Area – Agricultural Area B, which is currently used for agricultural purposes.

  • Work with Enoch Cree Nation to revise language around interjurisdictional collaboration.
  • Work with developers on policies of their concern, such as Floor-Area-Ratio Standards, etc.
  • Address minor mapping revisions not covered under
    Phase 1.
  • Other miscellaneous housekeeping items.
Acheson ASP
2020 ASP

The Area Structure Plan (ASP) guides future subdivision and development in the Acheson Industrial Area.

Document adopted by Council on December 8, 2020.

Municipal Development Plan
Municipal Development Plan
The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is a high level plan that establishes a vision for the future for the County's growth for the next 30 years. The MDP Project will update the existing MDP that was approved in 2017.
Connect with the Project Team

The Project Team wants to hear from you! For more information on the Acheson Industrial ASP Update Project, please contact a member of the project team below. We value your input on how we can help support the growth and development of Acheson.

Natasha De Sandi

Senior Long Range Planner, Planning & Development Services

780-968-8888 ext. 8203


Derek Macdonald

Long Range Planner, Planning & Development Services

780-968-8888 ext. 7689
