With big businesses like Amazon and Champion Petfoods calling Acheson home, our Major Business Attraction Program is proven to help support major industry when making the move to Parkland County.  

Program Overview 

The Major Business Attraction Program is designed to attract investors and major players in various industries to our region. This program plays a pivotal role in driving economic growth, fostering job opportunities, diversifying our economic landscape, and positioning Parkland County to compete effectively on the global stage. 

We know large-scale industrial projects can be complex and demand a tailored approach. The Major Business Attraction Program assembles a dedicated team to guide you through the process of establishing or moving your operations to Parkland County. 

With the Major Business Attraction Program, you can expect a: 

  • Dedicated County Project Manager to support internal processes 

  • Cross-department team of all the key functions 

  • Hands-on approach to planning, development & permitting 

  • Potential realignment of County Capital Infrastructure projects 

  • Support with the Government of Alberta where needed 


If you have a large-scale project you’re looking to locate here, the Major Business Attraction Program may be able to assist you. Large-scale projects may be in any of the following industries: manufacturing, value-added agriculture, transportation, distribution & logistics, energy and energy services, or technology services.  

To be considered, prospective businesses must also demonstrate:  

  1. Considerable benefit to Parkland County residents through job creation and/or tax generation  
  2. Alignment with Parkland County’s strategic priorities
  3. Potential benefits or synergies with existing industries in Parkland County 

Video Spotlight 

Parkland County's Major Business Attraction Program was the winner of the 2022 Minister’s Awards for Municipal Excellence in the Building Economic Strength Category.